It’s A Great Time To Apply Abroad! - Let Higher Education Take Flight

With changing times, the higher education system around the globe required transformation and improved ways to impart education. And, higher education institutes in India were quick to respond!

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.
- Herbert Spencer

The education sector in India and abroad saw a significant shift, particularly for students seeking admission to international programs. Most of the institutes shifted to new ways of learning by laying more emphasis on online education and the universities have made a paradigm shift in the way they operate. The education sector has upped its game, making accessibility easier with blended learning. Wondering what is blended learning? It is an approach to systematically mix in-person teaching with online learning. University faculty in India regularly conduct classes and lectures with added webinars, not to mention a more personalised teaching experience built for students. The flexible courses are also being delivered to students to make learning an engaging activity and create a better experience.

Hence, it is a great time to apply abroad - particularly in India.

While the initial kinks in the digital system have drastically improved over time, portals set up for student support have made it possible for students to address their issues and suggest system changes accordingly. Both existing and prospective students now have direct lines to enquire about new policies, changes, or any other concerns they might have. Adopting blended learning has helped the Indian higher education institutions to pave the way for continuous formative assessment and the use of alternative assessment methods. All these steps have created an atmosphere for technology-enabled learning in higher Study in India.

For prospective students who are still sceptical about applying, educators and facilitators are already doing their best to bridge the gaps that one could face. The campus experience remains alive by introducing various extended and diverse extracurriculars, even through these trying times. Navigating through different time zones has also become a breeze, with recorded sessions accessible online along with coherent testing and examination systems. Institutions are also doing their part by refraining from fee hikes, mitigating campus housing rates, and so on.

Applying and continuing your university experience can be a positive and enriching experience for most, even with changes in the system. Being optimistic can go a long way in helping you do so. Nothing can stop us from learning and growing. Institutions under the Study in India programme are more than prepared to host you. The faculties at Indian institutions are set to provide dedicated assistance and are at your disposal for a smooth experience. This makes for more personalized attention across all courses so students can soak up even more knowledge and have the best educational experience.

So strike while the iron is hot and apply today!

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The name ‘India’ is derived from the Sanskrit term ‘Sindhu’. It was the name used for the Indus River.

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