National Assessment and Accreditation Council

National Assessment and Accreditation Council

The National Assessment and Accreditation Council are responsible for conducting evaluations of higher educational institutions (colleges and universities). The evaluation is carried out to derive an understanding of education quality (Quality Status) among different institutes. NAAC assesses if the institutes comply with the quality standards in different areas such as educational processes, teaching-learning process, faculty, infrastructure, research, learning resources, organization, governance, student services and financial well-being. Education plays a pivotal role in the development of a nation. The teaching and research facilities offered by institutes must have a standard and recognition comparable to international standards. So, NAAC accreditation helps in achieving the same.

The purpose of NAAC accreditation is to foster the core values within the higher education institutes:

  • Contribute towards the development of a high-quality higher education system
  • Promote competent skills and value systems among the students studying in higher education institutes
  • Foster the use of technology in teaching and research facilities
  • Strive for excellence and emerge as top learning centres on the world stage.

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