About Us
C. V. Raman Global University, Odisha was established as per “Odisha Act 01 of 2020”. Although this University is newly born, it takes pride in its rich heritage. Aiming to improve the scholastic ability and effectiveness of the quality education system across the globe, the University is committed to expanding the scope of the existing departments and also to open new ones to deliver multi and inter-disciplinary courses by accelerating the present sectoral focus of its mother Institute.
Area of Excellence
1. Quality Education
2. Partnership with Industries
3. Establishment of Centres of Excellence
4. Internship and Placement
5. Research Activities
Research Capability and Focus Area
No. of Papers published by faculty - 298
1 patent approved
4 patents filed
Consultancy (last 3yrs) :
Total Funds Received in 03 years – 63.15 Lakhs
Sponsored Projects (last 3yrs):
Total funds 03 years – 1.68 Crore
Academic Facilities
Institute has state-of-art infrastructure, smart classrooms, well equipped lab facilities, 26 centres of excellences, a huge library, in-campus hostel and and faculty members of very high calibre.