About Us
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University(TNAU) is a pioneer institute in agricultural education, research, extension education and out reach mission. TNAU offers 13 Under Graduate, 33 Masters and 27 Doctoral degrees. On open and distance education mode, 4 Masters', 5 Diploma, one bachelor degree and 21 certificate courses are offered. There are 38 Agricultural research stations, so far released 826 new crop varieties, 166 agricultural implements and 1528 management technologies. TNAU has been awarded with 9 patents and secured 22 awards including the ICAR instituted “Best Institution Award” and the “Overall Excellence Award” by FICCI.
Area of Excellence
Centre of Excellence in Molecular Breeding, Farm Knowledge Centre for Women, Dry land Agriculture, Millets and Oil Palm.
Pioneer in Nano Science and biotechnology technology
Weather forecasting and remote sensing and price forecasting
Policy prescription for key portfolios of regional and national issues
Research Capability and Focus Area
Capable to undertake basic and applied research in key areas. Scientists have the credit of operating many externally funded schemes sponsored by national and international institutions in thematic areas.
Academic Facilities