About Us
Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehra Dun made a humble beginning as Forest School established in 1878. Initially named as Imperial Forest Research Institute, FRI came into being in 1906. Later renamed as Forest Research Institute and Colleges, with a number of centres located at different places all over the country administering research as well as training of Forest Officers and Forest Rangers. After reorganization of Forestry Research in the country and creation of Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) in 1988, the training and research centres were given an independent status of institutes. Forest Research Institute, now one of the institutes under ICFRE, was conferred the status of Deemed University in December 1991 on the recommendations of the UGC, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
Area of Excellence
To provide for research and for the advancement of and dissemination of knowledge in the forestry and environment. The disciplines pursued in the Institute are Silviculture, Resource Survey and Management, Social forestry, Minor forest produce, Ecology and conversation, Genetics and tree propagation, Forest protection, Forest Botany, Forest products and Forest Operations. The thrust areas are bio-diversity, tree improvement & quality seed production, non-wood forest products, social forestry & wasteland afforestation, design development of modern forestry tools, etc.
Research Capability and Focus Area
Academic Facilities