About Us
This Institute was established in 1961 as one of the RECs for imparting technical education in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. In the year 1983-84 the Under Graduate programmes in Electronics Engineering was introduced and in the year 1988-89 the UG programmes in Computer Engineering and Production Engineering was started. In the year 1995-96, UG programme in Chemical Engineering was introduced. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956, the Central Government on the advice of the University Grants Commission, has declared the Sardar Vallabhbhai Regional College of Engineering & Technology (SVREC), Surat to Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat with status of “Deemed University” with effect from 4th December 2002. The Institute has been granted the status of ‘Institute of National Importance’ w.e.f. Aug. 15, 2007. At present, the Institute is offering Six UG Programmes, Nineteen PG Programmes and Three M.Sc. Five Years Integrated Programme including doctoral programme in all above branches.
Area of Excellence
Advanced Operations Research, Optimization Techniques, Big Data Analytics, Social Media Data Analysis, Document Analysis, Composite Materials, CAD/CAE, Reverse Engineering, Data Mining, Electric Vehicles, Energy Storage, Inorganic Supramolecular Chemistry, Logistics and Supply chain, Mathematical Modelling and Simulation Knowledge-Based Systems, Micro-Nano Electronics, VLSI Design, Biomedical Measurement Systems, Natural Products Extraction, Hydrotropic Separation, Renewable Energy, Semiconductor, Crystal Growth, Thin Films, Photovoltaic Materials, Si Nanostructures, Thin Film Optical Structural, and Electrical Characterization, Solar PV Technologies, Urban, Regional and Public Transportation Planning
Research Capability and Focus Area
Advanced Engineering Optimization Techniques, Corrosion Polymers and Wastewater Treatment, Energy Harvesting and Energy Storage, Information Security & Privacy, Mathematical Control Theory, Dynamical Systems, Stochastic Processes, RF & Microwave Engineering, Wireless Communication Techniques, 5G Technology, Special Concrete and Relevant Applications, Special Functions, Integral Transforms & Fractional Calculus, Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Upper Atmospheric Science, Earthquake Prediction, GPS Technology, Wastewater Treatment, Separation Processes, Nanoscience/Nanotechnology, Supply Chain and Multi modal logistics system. Water Resources Engineering, Geo-spatial Technologies, Computational Techniques
Academic Facilities
Institute provides academic facilities such as Classrooms, Laboratories, Central library, Central Computer Center, Research Park, Center of excellence.