About Us
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS) blossomed from the roots of Madras Veterinary College, an internationally acclaimed, century -old institution, in the year 1989, as the first Veterinary University in India. TANUVAS continues to strive in ensure excellence in education, research and extension in the fields of veterinary, animal and food sciences.
The constituent colleges of TANUVAS include seven Veterinary Colleges, one College of Food and Dairy Technology and one College of Poultry Production and Management. The University also comprises state-of-the-art institutes spread over the state of Tamil Nadu for research and extension activities.
The undergraduate degree programmes offered by the University are B.V.Sc. & A.H. (Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry), B.Tech. (Food Technology), B.Tech. (Dairy Technology) and B.Tech. (Poultry Technology). Besides, Postgraduate degree programmes viz. M.V.Sc. in 22 disciplines, M.Tech. in three disciplines, Ph.D. in 20 disciplines of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Food Technology and Biotechnology. Further PG Diploma (Regular and Distance mode) and Certificate courses are also being offered by the University.
Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education (MSVE), specified by the Veterinary Council of India is being followed for BVSc & AH degree programme. The curriculum and syllabus specified by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is being followed by for BTech (Food Technology and Dairy Technology) and Post- graduate degree programmes .
Area of Excellence
• Centre of Advanced Faculty Training (ICAR) in Avian Sciences and Veterinary Clinical Medicine
• Centre for Animal Health Studies
o Poultry Disease Diagnostic and Surveillance Laboratory
o Zoonoses Research
o Bio containment Animal Disease
o Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Assurance
o Viral & Bacterial Vaccine Research
o Pharmacovigilance for Animal Feed and Food Safety
o Ethno-Veterinary Pharmacological Research
o Translational Research Platform for Veterinary Biologicals
o Veterinary Incubation Foundation
• Centre for Animal Production Studies
o Native Breed Research for Cattle, Sheep and Poultry
o Innovation and Instrumentation- Small farm implements are being designed and fabricated
• Rabies Diagnostic Laboratory ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited
Research Capability and Focus Area
• The University is having 12 research / production centres, 15 research laboratories including NABL accredited laboratories for disease diagnosis and feed analysis, 20 Veterinary University Training and Research centres and one Ethno-veterinary herbal training and research centre, apart from many externally funded research projects implemented in various constituent units of TANUVAS.
• To encourage research on commercialisation among budding entrepreneurs, the university provides facilities viz., Veterinary incubates and start-ups; University Innovation and Instrumentation Centre , Translational Research Platform for Veterinary Biologicals
• 22 Patents have been obtained and 94 Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with nationally and internationally acclaimed organizations for collaborated activities.
Academic Facilities
Clinical laboratory complex
Veterinary Clinical Complex
Digital Library
Learning and Assessment Centre
Model dairy plant
State level food processing training centre
Fruit and vegetable processing plant
Experiential learning centre