About Us
Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam Kerala India is a government funded state university offering programmes in science, arts, languages and applied science and technology MGU has accredited under NAAC with A++ score and stand 31 among universities in India. It has also presence in Times and Adal ranking. University has 26 statutory schools and seventeen inter university/inter school centers and offering research programmes in almost all disciplines. This year university is starting four year honours degree in line with NEP 2020.
Area of Excellence
Nano science and Nano Technology, Management, Computer Science, Environmental Sciences, Microbiology , Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Food Science and Technology, International relations and Politics, Legal Studies, History and Anthropology, Pure and Applied Physics, Chemical Sciences, Gandhian Thought and Development Studies, Pedagogical Sciences
Research Capability and Focus Area
Nano Science and Nano Technology, Management Science, Computational Science
Academic Facilities
Twenty Six Statutory Schools, Sixteen Inter University/Inter School Centres with all modern infrastructural and learning facilities