About Us
CEPT University focuses on understanding, designing, planning, constructing and managing human habitats. Its teaching programs aim to build thoughtful professionals and its research programs deepen understanding of human settlements. CEPT University also undertakes advisory projects to further the goal of making habitats more liveable. Through its education, research and advisory activities, CEPT strives to improve the impact of habitat professions in enriching the lives of people in India's villages, towns and cities.
The University comprises five Faculties. The Faculty of Architecture was established as the 'School of Architecture' in 1962. It focuses on design in the private realm. The Faculty of Planning, focused on planning in the public realm, was established in 1972 as the 'School of Planning'. The Faculty of Technology, which concentrates on engineering and construction, was established in 1982 as the 'School of Building Science and Technology'. The Faculty of Design was established in 1991 as the 'School of Interior Design'. It deals with product and communication design at undergraduate level and furniture and computational design and fabrication at postgraduate level. Faculty of Management was established in 2013 and it focuses on skills to address complex problems like enhancing long term efficiency of urban services, improving day-to-day functioning of cities and finding ways to improve the financing of urban systems.
CEPT University takes its name from the 'Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology'. CEPT was established by the Ahmedabad Education Society with the support of the Government of Gujarat (GoG) and the Government of India. The GoG incorporated CEPT as a university in 2005. In 2007 the UGC recognized CEPT University under section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956. The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) of the Government of India recognizes the University as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO)
Area of Excellence
Architecture, Planning, Design, Technology and Urban Management
Research Capability and Focus Area
Academic Facilities