About Us
DKTE Society's Textile and Engineering Institute lchalkaranji India, popularly known as DKTE, started its journey from 1982 with a diploma in textiles. Today it offers carefully crafted 3 diploma,5 under graduate and 3 post graduate academic degrees and research centre in textiles along with 6 U.G engineering and 3 P.G engineering degrees to meet the challenges of the globalization. They are engaged in current professional practice, conduct world-class research, and share a commitment to quality in the teaching they provide.University Grants Commission(UGC) granted autonomous status to DKTE in 2016 and has received A+ accreditation, highest level, by National Accreditation and Assessment council of India (NAAC). Dedicated to maintain the highest standards of technical education and craft the world-class professionals, the institute remains at the helm amongst such other institutions engaged in textile and engineering education. This is well indicated by the facts that nine U.G programmes have been accredited by National Board of Accreditation (N.B.A.). Most of the alumni are placed nationally as well as internationally in reputed companies & institute has also been selected for Technical Education Quality Improvement Program, TEQIP of Government of India. The institute’s strong interaction with industries resulted in the winning of the prestigious award “Best Industry-Linked Engineering Institute- twice during 2015 and 2017” instituted by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and All India Council For Technical Education(AICTE).
Area of Excellence
Basic textiles,Technical Textiles-Nonwovens,Textile Product Development,AI,cloud computing,robotics,mechatronics.
Research Capability and Focus Area
Product Development
Yarn Manufacturing , Fabric Manufacturing,Chemical Processing of Textiles,Nonovens,robotics
Academic Facilities
world class library, ultra modern workshops, highly experienced faculties,